The listing below should be particularly useful to participants in multi-day workshops, as it lists each session by date.

For a list of our workshops by their title, click here.


2018 NOTE ADDED August 27 as I update the site… GO TO EVENTS/COURSES by title… Because I think this page is redundant and confusing… and may retire this page and its links in the next couple days.

OSHER – March 26th, 2018

Session 1 – UofU Osher –  Earth Science Outside – Click HERE for abundant information about this first session (map, schedule, activities, goals….).

OSHER – April 2nd, 2018

Session 2 – UofU Osher –  Earth Science Outside – Click HERE for information about this session including map and course content. We’ll examine evidence of Tectonics Rules! What better place than Faultline Park… unless bad weather sends us to an alternate locale.

OSHER – April 9th, 2018

Session 3 – UofU Osher –  Earth Science Outside – Click HERE for information about this session including map and course content. We’ll examine Earth materials as evidence of Earth history. Participants will figure out the relative age of rock units exposed at the mouth of Parleys Canyon.

OSHER – April 16th, 2018

Session 4 – UofU Osher –  Earth Science Outside – Click HERE for information about this session including map and course content. At Popperton Park we can examine evidence of the role of water on Earth’s surface. We will be able to see evidence of today’s climate including canyons cut by streams, alluvial fans deposited by flash floods, shorelines of Great Salt Lake, and interactions of  humans and effects of water. We also well be able to examine evidence of Lake Bonneville, a huge lake of the Ice Ages. Evidence includes shorelines, deltas, and lake bed deposits.

OSHER – April 23rd, 2018

Session 5 – UofU Osher –  Earth Science Outside – Click HERE (logistics to be active 4/20; content by 4/23) for information about this session including map and course content. Warm Springs Park is a complex site. It’s a good place to examine evidence of five of the nine (as we teach them) chapters of Utah’s geologic past. Evidence includes fossils from when what-is-now-Utah was south of the equator and near sea level about 300 million years ago to faulting of the Wasatch Fault Zone perhaps as young as a couple thousand years ago.

OSHER – April 30th, 2018

Session 6 – UofU Osher –  Earth Science Outside – Click HERE (DRAFT 4/27; Solid April 30th. ) for information about this session including map and course content. Salt Lake County is remarkable geologically. From Sugar House Park, we can witness rock units of every chapter of Utah’s geologic past. By this session, participants will have embraced the JOY of landscape literacy, meaning, they will know how to begin to decipher clues that have led to our present understanding of Utah’s geologic past.

Earth Science Outside via SL District – Diverse Deadlines.

AUGUST 7 AND 9 = SESSION 1September 8 = Homework 1 due; SEPTEMBER 11 AND 13 = SESSION 2October 15 = Homework 2 due; OCTOBER 22 = SESSION 3 FIELD DAYDecember 1 = Homework 3 due; JANUARY 22 and 24 = SESSION 4March 29 (optional) Homework 4 due for feedback or due in class; APRIL 2 and 4 = SESSION 5; April 22 = Homework 5 Final Project due. 

August 7, 2018

Session 1 –TEACHERS TUESDAY TRACK Earth Science Outside –  Click HERE for COURSE SYLLABUS

CLICK HERE FOR DETAILED INFORMATION ABOUT SESSION 1 for information about the course and this session. We meet just this session at Salt Lake School District Offices, 440 East 100 South, SLC 84111. Big Concept: We’re surrounded by Earth Science — Everywhere! Even here, downtown Salt Lake we can see patterns and local clues about tectonics, Earth materials, the role of water on Earth’s surface, and history of planet Earth. How do we encourage our students to wonder about what they see at this “boring” location?!

August 9, 2018

Session 1 – TEACHERS THURSDAY TRACK Earth Science Outside – Click HERE for COURSE SYLLABUS

CLICK HERE FOR DETAILED INFORMATION ABOUT SESSION 1. for information about the course and this session. We meet just this session at Salt Lake School District Offices, 440 East 100 South, SLC 84111. Big Concept: We’re surrounded by Earth Science — Everywhere! Even here, downtown Salt Lake we can see patterns and local clues about tectonics, Earth materials, the role of water on Earth’s surface, and history of planet Earth. How do we encourage our students to wonder about what they see at this “boring” location?!

September 11, 2018

Session 2 – TEACHERS TUESDAY TRACK Earth Science Outside – Click HERE (DRAFT  later; Solid by 9/1) for information including map and session content. We hope to meet at Faultline Park near the University of Utah, 1100 East 400 South. We’ll examine evidence of Tectonics Rules! What better place than Faultline Park… unless bad weather sends us to an alternate locale! Big Concept: All landforms result from tectonics and erosion/deposition. How do we encourage our students to wonder about tectonics here in Salt Lake County?

September 13, 2018

Session 2 TEACHERS THURSDAY TRACK Earth Science Outside – – Click HERE (DRAFT  later; Solid by 9/1) for information including map and session content. We hope to meet at Faultline Park near the University of Utah, 1100 East 400 South. We’ll examine evidence of Tectonics Rules! What better place than Faultline Park… unless bad weather sends us to an alternate locale! Big Concept: All landforms result from tectonics and erosion/deposition. How do we encourage our students to wonder about tectonics here in Salt Lake County?

October 22, (Monday), 2018

Session 3 – TEACHERS TUESDAY and THURSDAY TRACK Earth Science Outside – ALL DAY. Click HERE (later; Solid by 9/1) for information including maps, schedule and session content. We meet in the parking lot of Salt Lake School District Offices, 440 East 100 South, SLC 84111. Big Concept: Teachers and our students can figure out the relative age of rock units using a few simple rules. There’s no place better than Utah to practice “younger than / older than.” Big concepts: Earth materials, History of planet Earth, fossils.


January 22, 2019

Session 4 – TEACHERS TUESDAY TRACK Earth Science Outside – Click HERE (DRAFT  later; Solid by 1/10/2019) for information including map and session content. We will meet at Huntsman Cancer Center, 1950 E Circle of Hope Dr. SLC 84112 with their magnificent vistas of the valley to the west and Lake Bonneville’s shoreline to the east. Convene at the Pointe Restaurant. We’ll examine patterns that may arouse your students’ curiosity about tectonics, the role of water on Earth’s surface, Earth materials, history of planet Earth, and evidence of past climate change not that long ago.

January 24, 2019

Session 4 – TEACHERS THURSDAY TRACK Earth Science Outside – Click HERE (DRAFT  later; Solid by 1/10/2019) for information including map and session content. We will meet at Huntsman Cancer Center, 1950 E Circle of Hope Dr. SLC 84112 with their magnificent vistas of the valley to the west and Lake Bonneville’s shoreline to the east. Convene at the Pointe Restaurant. We’ll examine patterns that may arouse your students’ curiosity about tectonics, the role of water on Earth’s surface, Earth materials, history of planet Earth, and evidence of past climate change not that long ago.

April 2, 2019

Session 5 – TEACHERS TUESDAY TRACK Earth Science Outside – Click HERE (DRAFT  later; Solid by 3/15/2019) for information including map and session content. We will meet at Sugar House Park at a pavilion with a great view of the Wasatch Front and Salt Lake Valley. Teachers will come to the session with evidence for their final project. We’ll pull it all together: past and present tectonics, role of water, Earth materials, and geologic history.

April 4, 2019

Session 5 –TEACHERS THURSDAY TRACK Earth Science Outside –  Click HERE (DRAFT  7/7; Solid by 3/15/2019) for information including map and session content. We will meet at Sugar House Park at a pavilion with a great view of the Wasatch Front and Salt Lake Valley. Teachers will come to the session with evidence for their final project. We’ll pull it all together: past and present tectonics, role of water, Earth materials, and geologic history.