Earth Science Outside – y2018-2019  – Via SLDistrict

General Info Session 2 – Meet at Fault Line Park

CLICK HERE to go to Session 2 – Agenda and Activities with specifics of the day.

 Tectonics Rules! The topography of western Utah has contrasted with that of what is now eastern Utah for millions of years.

PHENOMENON: The Wasatch fault zone occupies a region of Earth’s crust where change happens.

Session 2

Tectonics Rules!

Tectonics sets the scene,

Tectonics largely determines what is relatively high and relatively low.

Tuesday and Thursday Tracks

Meet 4 PM – 6 PM  — Sept 11 and 13, 2018

Fault Line Park

1041 East 400 South

SLC, UT, 84102

Click HERE for link to Google Maps.

Some Logistics


LINKS for SESSION 2 … Tectonics rules – Fault Line Park

CLICK HERE for SESSION 2 – Agenda and Activities. Will be active by Monday…

CLICK HERE for Syllabus and Schedule…. (note, there are no changes from last time…. but always check for the latest info such as an alternate meeting place.)

CLICK HERE for HANDOUT… will be posted after  class.

CLICK HERE for Summary of Assignments.

CLICK HERE for what was due Sept 8.

CLICK HERE for Second Homework Assignment.

By the end of Session 2…

Teacher participants will..

Have their own set of blocks that model extensional tectonics of the Basin and Range.

Have a heart-beat understanding how extensional tectonics results in down-dropping of “blocks” of western Utah’s crust resulting in the Salt Lake Valley, the Oquirrh Mountains, and the Wasatch Range.

Be able to explain to each other why the age of most LANDFORMS  is younger than the Earth materials the LANDFORM is made of: Mount Olympus, Farnsworth Peak, Ensign Peak, and… The Wave, Zion’s White Throne, … .