Earth Science Outside – y 2018-2019 – Via SLDistrict

Overview of Assignments

Teachers earn 1 USBE credit for attending all sessions (18 hours) and completing assignments outside of class, about 4 – 6 hours. For all sessions, please bring a camera (iPhone or equivalent is fine). All assignments include taking images and commenting on what you observe, outside, at places in Salt Lake County.

Purpose of Assignments,


By the end of Earth Science Outside, teachers will have confidence and competence to go outside with their students, see patterns, inspire curiosity, and link curiosity with four k12 framework Earth science concepts: tectonics, Earth materials, role of water on Earth’s surface, and history of planet Earth… well at least geologic history of Salt Lake County.

Assignments move progressively from (a) going outside, (b) observing patterns, (c) expressing curiosity to recognizing how students’ expressions of curiosity tie to Earth science and may align with the core.


Add an image.. or two or three

For specifics, click on the assignment.

Homework 1 due September 8, 2018. Go outside! Embrace uncertainty. See patterns. Be curious. (less than 1 hr).

Homework 2 due October 15, 2018. Tectonics rules! Patterns at GK Gilbert Park, Faultline Park, and block models. (1 hr).

Homework 3 NOT due December 1, 2018. Field Notes…. Connect patterns of Earth materials with relative age. (1 – 2 hr). Instead of Assignment of Field Notes, expect short quiz… emailed, bring to JANUARY session.

Homework 4 due for class discussion Session 5, April 2 and 4, 2019. Teacher as Earth scientist, evidence at Warm Springs Park. (1-2 hr).

Homework 5 due April 22, 2019. From patterns, through curiosity, to glimpses of moments of history of Planet Earth here in SLCounty (1 hr).